Happy Saturday! I wanted to share something with you guys that has become dear to my heart. This year I began using brain breaks on a regular basis….like daily (usually more than twice a day). In the beginning, I would just do a quick search on viewpure (which is like youtube only all the commercials are filtered out so it is safe for the classroom). I did find a few good videos but was still searching for something different.
Now comes the best website I have found to date! It not only get my kiddo’s up and moving but also helps them to refocus. Are you ready for it???!!!! It is http://gonoodle.com and it is FREE!! Yep! That’s right… does not cost anything to join and I know all of us teacher like things that are Free for our classrooms (well this teacher does anyways). 
This might not be “new” to you and you might already be in the “know” but just have to share it with ya’ll just in case you have been missing out! They have tons of “channels” to choose from. We have a few favorites like: KooKoo Kangaroo, Kids Zumba, Awesome Sauce and to help relax ALL of us (teacher included) Flow. They also have channels for indoor recess. Yep! That is right!! How handy is that??! Not sure about anyone else, but normally it is cold here during winter and we get snow you guys! Yep, even in Texas…oh the joys of living in the Panhandle! So there are years where we don’t get to venture out much during the winter break. Then there are other times wind speeds are so high that it is not safe to be outside without extra weights to weigh you down so you don’t blow away, goggles for eye protection or even the need to cover your mouth so you don’t end up enjoying a mouth full of dirt...which is never pleasant! Here is a pic of one of the amazing videos. I know it isn’t the best shot but can’t post any of my kiddos and still wanted you to see it being used. I wish you could see how they get into the videos…even my shy babies!

This might not be “new” to you and you might already be in the “know” but just have to share it with ya’ll just in case you have been missing out! They have tons of “channels” to choose from. We have a few favorites like: KooKoo Kangaroo, Kids Zumba, Awesome Sauce and to help relax ALL of us (teacher included) Flow. They also have channels for indoor recess. Yep! That is right!! How handy is that??! Not sure about anyone else, but normally it is cold here during winter and we get snow you guys! Yep, even in Texas…oh the joys of living in the Panhandle! So there are years where we don’t get to venture out much during the winter break. Then there are other times wind speeds are so high that it is not safe to be outside without extra weights to weigh you down so you don’t blow away, goggles for eye protection or even the need to cover your mouth so you don’t end up enjoying a mouth full of dirt...which is never pleasant! Here is a pic of one of the amazing videos. I know it isn’t the best shot but can’t post any of my kiddos and still wanted you to see it being used. I wish you could see how they get into the videos…even my shy babies!
The class can also pick out a character that grows and changes with each break. My class loves seeing how it changes each time we do a new break. After so many “level” ups they get to choose a new character. I use my class dojo random chooser for who gets to pick the new character and they LOVE this!! Here is what our little character looks like at this time. Isn’t he cute!!

Here is a link if you would like to try it out. I am currently using their free version. https://app.gonoodle.com/s/kcraig-1
Is there another website that is your favorite? I would love to hear about it!
Thanks for stopping by!